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Please come back to see when, where and for new updates of the next events.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Meet Frankie Flora. He was 5 yrs old at the time that he was viciously attacked and mauled by a pit bull type dog.  

He can't be at the Walk For Victims despite how much he wanted to be.

He's written to all of the Walkers, and I'm sharing his letter here. This is Frankie.....

Hi my name is Frankie Flora. I am 8 years old now. I was severely mauled by a dog when I had just turned 5. Four sections of my head was eaten down to my skull, my right cheek was missing, my left side was torn apart. I almost died. They told my mother that night they did not think I was going to survive. Dr. Anthony Allessi saved my life. He gave me blood transfusions and pieced me back together with donated skin. I had over 1,000 stitches to my head and face, nerve damage to my hand, and hearing loss. My leg has a big “Z” scar in it now.
I know what it feels like to be attacked and mauled to the point of almost dying. I wish I could have been here at the Walk in person but I was unable to get there. I am sorry that you have been through what I have been through. I am also sorry for all the people that died from an attack! I know their families must be sad. I am trying to pass a law in New York State to get rid of the " one bite rule " . Any of you can contact me at I wish you all joy, health and happiness. You are all in my prayers! STAY STRONG!!!

Thank you, Frankie. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. We will Walk for you, and so many others tomorrow, Frankie. God Bless!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Levi before the attack
Levi at the hospital right after the attack
Meet 4 year old Levi Mulkey, viciously mauled by two pit bull type dogs as he tried to recover the frisbee that he and his brothers were playing with.  The frisbee landed just outside the neighbor's inadequate fence, and when Levi reached down to pick it up, two dogs reached their heads through the fence and grabbed Levi by the face, trying to pull him through the fence.

Jayden, Levi's big brother and hero!

His older brother, Jayden, 7 y/o at the time, saved Levi's life.....he ran to Levi and pulled Levi while kicking the vicious dogs. The dogs finally let go of Levi, but not before injuring him critically.

Levi almost lost his right eye, the eye socket was broken, his jaw was shattered.....Levi needs reconstructive surgery on his eye socket, his naval cavity, his jaw (which was wired shut for 3 weeks), his tear ducts, and his cheek.  

Levi is a strong little fighter, but he continues to have difficulty in his day to day life. He suffers PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) as do his parents and brothers. He has difficulty sleeping at night due to horrific nightmares, and must endure more surgeries to come.

Levi healing slowly
We will be taking donations at the Walk for Levi and his family, as they continue to struggle with medical bills and more surgeries. His father, Matt, has missed a lot of work and is at least $20,000 in debt. They continue to struggle with monthly bills and with the trauma of almost having lost their son to vicious dogs.

Please join us at the Walk, to walk for and support all the victims of vicious pit bull and other dangerous dog attacks, and donate to help Levi and his family as they struggle through this nightmare. 


This is a photo of the inadequate fence. There were 8 dogs living behind this fence, 2 of which attacked and mauled Levi, grabbing him by the face and trying to pull him through the fence, as he attempted to recover the frisbee that landed right outside of this fence.  When will people understand and care about how important it is to have adequate fencing to contain their vicious dogs?! This owner was previously warned about the inadequate fencing several times and was told to have it fixed/replaced when another child was mauled by these vicious dogs prior to Levi's being attacked.  Because of this owner's carelessness and lack of consideration for the safety of her neighborhood and community, another child has endured and must continue to endure horrific pain and suffering, just because he wanted to get the frisbee and continue playing with his brothers. This is unacceptable! These vicious attacks and maulings must stop!!

Please come and walk with us on Saturday October 27th, 2012 at Lincoln Park and donate to Levi and his family.

You are in our thoughts and prayers, Levi and family. We will do our best to collect as many donations as we can for you, little angel, and we will walk for you! 

A more recent photo of Levi

Levi's first day back to school

Still in the hospital

After his first reconstructive surgery, still at the hospital