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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Meet Kaylie Foster

Meet 3 y/o Kaylie Foster, recently mauled by her father's pet pit bull while having court stipulated visits with him.

Her father owned a pit bull and no doubt assumed it was safe to have around Kaylie.  He was wrong! His dog latched onto Kaylie's little face and would not let go, as pit bulls do, until it was stabbed to death by a family member.

It took 100 stitches to close Kaylie's little face.

Now Kaylie proudly wears her t-shirt in support of the Walk For Victims of Pit Bulls and Other Dangerous Dogs. 

Thank you, Kaylie for your courage and bravery! Heal quickly, sweetheart, you have an ARMY of support behind you! 

Please come and Walk with us to support VICTIMS like Kaylie, and so many others who continue to wear the physical and emotional scars of vicious attacks by Pit Bulls and Other Dangerous Dogs.